weight loss Weight Loss: Make It Easy! Stress activates the Big 8 Chemicals that drive overeating, binge eating, mindless eating, and food addiction. Rewire the offending circuits so that weight loss can become effortless and lasting.
Stress Eating Instant Appetite Suppressant! Commit to spiraling up before you eat, then do not restrict your eating. Instead, hunker down and wipe out the wire that is causing it. Stop the tyranny of restraint. Instead, spiral up before eating and rewire that circuit.
Stress Eating New EBT Book! 1-2-3 JOY! Dr. Mellin's book maps out a new way to lose weight without drugs or diets that is designed to stop cravings and overeating by changing the brain's neural circuitry.
Obesity EBT: A Natural Alternative to Weight Loss Drugs There is so much fervor about weight loss drugs that one would think obesity is a condition of GLP-1 deficiency. It is not. These drugs deliver an abnormal boost to GLP-1 receptors that
Stress Eating Spiral Up before you eat! The root cause of overeating and weight gain is stress wires in the brain. Tired of feeling out of control with food and weight? Learn how to rewire circuit and create more freedom in your life.
Stress Eating Tired of being Overweight? Rewire Your Body Circuit The Body Circuit drives overeating and weight regain. Learn how to rewire your Body Circuit with EBT.
Stress Eating Holiday Stress Making You Hungry? The overwhelming stress of COVIID-19 causes chemical surges that cause cravings, lethargy, chronic hunger and weight gain. Use EBT to stop stress eating and weight gain.
Stress Eating Comfort from Food? Overeating is the easiest way to feel better. When you see three ways it blocks our joy, food begins to lose its appeal! There are better addictions or we can become wired for joy and have freedom from all of them!
Stress Eating Why We Overeat! #6 – A Mini-Meltdown Taking control of food means using a simple emotional technique, having a do-it-yourself opportunity to clear away stress and spiral up to joy – Craving GONE!
BBH Science New Research: Keep the Weight Off Want to get healthy? As you launch a new lifestyle plan, dig a bit deeper and pair it with a way to keep it off. New research links maintaining 75% of weight loss with the best health effects.
Stress Eating Why We Overeat #2 - It's A Silly Wire! It's the wires in our emotional brain that trigger us to overeat. These wires tell us what to do. What's Brain Based Health? Skills to shut off or rewire those messages and drives.
Brain states Switching Brain States: Magical! Brain states remain mysterious, as even after we know the science that explains them, switching brain states is absolutely magical.
Stress Eating Why We Overeat #1 - My Story The brain is very personal! It stores the circuits that tell the story of our lives, which are re-activated without our awareness or approval to cause repeats of past experiences, including stress eating.
Stress Eating Brain-Based Weight Loss Lasting weight loss rests on smart rewiring. Weight and food are so core to survival that the emotional brain controls them. Clearing out two specific wires is core to experiencing weight loss that lasts.
Stress Eating What's a Body Circuit? Preventing weight loss relapse takes rewiring the Body Circuit, the drive to hold onto extra weight for protection or the familiarity of self-judgment. This circuit is a major contributory to stress eating and weight regain!