Mood Circuits Rewiring Depression Current depression treatment is pre-BBH. Imagine a world in which we learned how to activate healing chemicals for ourselves! This will take a revolution, which is why BBH is a movement.
Stress Eating Why We Overeat! #6 – A Mini-Meltdown Taking control of food means using a simple emotional technique, having a do-it-yourself opportunity to clear away stress and spiral up to joy – Craving GONE!
BBH Science New Research: Keep the Weight Off Want to get healthy? As you launch a new lifestyle plan, dig a bit deeper and pair it with a way to keep it off. New research links maintaining 75% of weight loss with the best health effects.
BBH Science Joy as Natural Medicine That momentary experience of joy? That's just what the doctor ordered. Legions of chemicals comfort and heal us. EBT helps you create moments of joy (score "Joy Points" as a way to live your best life!
BBH Science Brain Based Mental Health We need comprehensive help to overcome mental health problems, but the BBH system gives us more control over the quality of our lives. New complimentary coaching helps introduce new members to the tools.
BBH Science "Do you practice BBH?" Be part of the Brain Based Health Movement. If you are a health professional, learn about neuroscience based healthcare. All of us are patients. Nudge your health professional to update their practices by asking: "Do you practice brain based health?"
laurel's life What Brain Area Rules Us? When stress is low and the thinking brain (prefrontal cortex in GREEN above) is in charge, life is good. When stress is high, the bottom of the brain (in BROWN) takes over, which is what causes most problems.
Heal Yourself Blending BBH with Surgery? The foundations of health are natural: Commit to processing life just the way it is, and using your brain well, then exploring traditional healthcare as needed.