Research Attachment & Addiction Any moment of abandonment is ripe for encoding a survival circuit, which we then reactivate, creating unstoppable droves to repeat old patterns.
Wellness EBT for Corporate Wellness An article was published today by wellness giant Welcoa on The Brain Based Model of Wellness. Here's a summary of the three steps wellness directors to take to bring their programs in line with brain science.
Joy Points Finger Paints? YES! The right prefrontal cortex lights up with play. The reward center gushes feel-good chemicals. It's time to add to your Joy Point Bank!
EBT in the News A Sad Loss of a Great Man A man of such goodness, but so much stress. From the corporate suite with stress from position, race, strikes, overweight, and more. The problem is STRESS.
Freedom Take the Freedom Pledge! Follow four rules of the emotional brain and the grace of life takes care of the rest.
Joy Points The Joy Point Binge! I like scoring clusters of Joy Points. The brain can score a Joy Point, so why not have a bit of a binge? How many makes a binge? My brain usually likes 6. What about your brain?
Mood Circuits Rewiring Depression Current depression treatment is pre-BBH. Imagine a world in which we learned how to activate healing chemicals for ourselves! This will take a revolution, which is why BBH is a movement.
Relationship Wires Sexual Desire and BBH What we most need is not sex per se, but to desire and to be desired. Desire is a brain thing, charged by the most important sexual organ of all – the emotional brain.
The 7 Circuits What Is Gritty Joy? The ancient wisdom of Buddhism asks us to not just be present and aware but to appreciate moments of gritty joy. So does Brain Based Health by EBT.
Laurel’s Life Dreams DO Come True! After finishing two books, I needed a way to restore. A dear friend, Diana, who owns the beautiful Dougherty Ranch gave me time with Isabella. Dreams DO come true!
Stress Eating Why We Overeat! #6 – A Mini-Meltdown Taking control of food means using a simple emotional technique, having a do-it-yourself opportunity to clear away stress and spiral up to joy – Craving GONE!
Heal Yourself The Missing Link What if with all our advances in healthcare, there was a missing link that would make us really healthy and happy? That missing link would be brain-based health.
Brain states Joe's Animation of EBT About a decade ago, my son Joe Mellin changed the EBT culture and goals, setting the stage for Brain Based Health. Here is a video he made about EBT, which says it all!
We All Have a Walnut Just as mental health problems are on the rise, the diagnostic manual of psychiatric problems is imploding. The EBT theory of emotional health just could replace it.
weight loss Why We Overeat! #5 - It's A Wire! To rewire that Food Circuit, just complain about overeating to activate the circuit, then process the emotions. Use your Brain Based Health App!