Stress Stress is Contagious! Protect Yourself and Others Our stress radiates out and infects others. Stress is the root cause of up to 90 percent of health problems. Become stress effective now – for yourself, others and our nation.
Stress We Need a Stress Vaccine! The COVID-19 vaccine is in development but we need another vaccine – to inoculate us against stress, training our brain for high-powered resilience.
Stress Circuits The Illusion of Control Thinking gives us the illusion of control. We need to become experts in emotional processing to vaccinate ourselves against the stress of modern life, especially now.
Relationships A New Way to Connect: Share Your Number! When we're stressed, we do no have words to share our feelings, thoughts or impulses. Share your number and instantly connect!
Stress Eating Holiday Stress Making You Hungry? The overwhelming stress of COVIID-19 causes chemical surges that cause cravings, lethargy, chronic hunger and weight gain. Use EBT to stop stress eating and weight gain.
COVID-19 COVID-19? Surrender to Purpose With so much uncertainty, we have one constant. It is our capacity to process strong emotions activated by feeling threatened into updating our most basic expectations of life and finding higher purpose. We can find safety in that.
COVID-19 COVID-19 Emotional Release How to stop the numbness and overwhelm caused by the pandemic? Do EBT Cycles. Why does that work? It releases emotions, and helps us know ourselves, and knowing ourselves brings calm.
the Age of the Emotional Brain COVID-19? Enter "The Age of the Emotional Brain" The Age of the Emotional Brain has arrived, as thinking and isolation are not enough. Processing intense emotions effectively and sticking together is what we need.
Resilience After 5 Comes 1 The cycle of renewal, updating our circuitry makes Brain State 5 an essential part of an ever evolving life – and delivers a gritty, grounded, glorious Brain State 1.
Sanctuary Rediscover Sanctuary! As we rewire Survival Circuits, we get a post-rewiring natural high. The circuit doesn't control us anymore, and we choose Sanctuary. That's definitely a Joy Point!
Brain Based Health No Hip Surgery for Me (Now) I'm not that old. But, when I asked about my hip pain, they told me I had "bone on bone" problems in my hip. That scared me, and I
The Emotional Brain Trust the Process What if we trusted the process? That would be starting with emotional activations and circling around to thoughts and actions. Ohhhh, how wonderful life would be . . .
Stress Eating Comfort from Food? Overeating is the easiest way to feel better. When you see three ways it blocks our joy, food begins to lose its appeal! There are better addictions or we can become wired for joy and have freedom from all of them!
Resilience The Brain's Filter Responding to toxic stress by boosting our prefrontal cortex's processing, we boost our resilience. Stress is good for us.
The 7 Rewards The Ladder In Your Brain If development were a ladder in the brain, we would want to climb it. The EBT Core Grind In gives us a way to do that.