weight loss One Simple Skill to Lose Weight When you want to lose weight, add to your plan simple tools that make it easier to eat healthy, lose weight and keep it off.
Stress Styles Emotional Fluidity! Let's stop all this happiness yearning. Celebrate your right to feel BAD, and your emotional fluidity. Use EBT to spiral up to ONE!
Joy Taking the Leap With 2020 over, what about making 2021 the Year of Joy? That would take many mini-emotional cleanses. That is doable!
Relationships 4 Ways to Include Loved Ones in Your EBT Practice The holidays are high season for love and a great time to include loved ones in your EBT practice.
Resilience EBT . . . A Solution for Life What is the gift of life? A brain that solves any problem if we allow ourselves to move through the emotional flow that we call EBT.
Sanctuary Freedom from Loneliness In such chaotic and vexing times, emotional security, and even when alone not feeling lonely, seems a core value or, at least, aspiration. When I think about EBT and why I love it,
Emotional Brain EBT as a Spiritual Pathway The emotional brain has hidden pathways to spiritual states in which we connect to the deeper meanings of life. EBT is a spiritual solution based on science.
The Stress Solution! We are all in stress overload! It's time to move from thinking through our distress to clearing the emotional blockade that blocks resilience.
Compassion At One, We Are Naturally Loving The human brain is designed to move from stress to joy and disconnection to the supremely connected state that ushers in love. Let's close out the year with that in mind.
Resiliency EBT = Radical Resiliency The new EBT delivers radical resiliency. With the COVID era upon us, will we choose joy and purpose or go with the cultural norm of toxic stress. Choose joy!
Joy Circuits The Solution? The Emotional Brain We need the emotional brain now more than ever. It's our wisdom, hope and joy. Perhaps COVID will help us honor the most powerful part of our body: the elusive emotional brain.
Stress Stress-Protect Yourself NOW! We need a stress vaccine. What's under all this stress? Peace and power from within. Our new book on COVID-19 stress and finding that peace and power will be released next month!
Stress Be A Resiliency Superstar Under all that stress is a resiliency wire, a circuit that takes us up and over to a state of connection and purpose. Clear the emotional stress and we're back home, safe, connected within.
Love Tenderness & Love: Mackey at 100 Today my mother would have been 100 and a family friend dropped by to my daughter's house a remembrance of her – we called her Mackey. What came across? Love and tenderness.
Laurel's Life . Covid Coping? The 5 Needs After nine weeks of shelter-in-place, it's a good time to focus on the five needs: safety, love, comfort, pleasure and purpose. With my dog on my lap, I had all 5.