Relationships EBT = Happy Relationships Learn the basics of EBT – brain states – and start applying them in your relationships. See that the physiologic brain state controls connection, and find that you can have more happiness in your relationships with EBT.
Grieving Mend a Broken Heart: The 2 Steps The joy of making each moment in life count is taking risks, loving more, and having a few broken hearts along the way. A recent Spiral Up with Dr. Laurel focused on the two steps for mending a broken heart and creating gritty joy from it.
Spirituality Spiraling up to come alive anew We either spiral up or spiral down in response to the challenges that come our way. Facing the essential pain of life and accepting it gives us a new lease on life and gives us a neuroscientific way to come alive anew, again and again!
cancer EBT in the White House Cancer Moonshot Dr. Valerire Yerger has spearheaded EBT, becoming part of President Biden's Moonshot, and is focusing on EBT delivery to marginalized populations.
Activate Healing Chemicals with EBT In writing 1-2-3 JOY!, I thought a lot about the relationship between chemicals and circuits, not immediately a conversation topic – but really important for anyone wanting to experience optimal health. In fact, you
Stress Eating New EBT Book! 1-2-3 JOY! Dr. Mellin's book maps out a new way to lose weight without drugs or diets that is designed to stop cravings and overeating by changing the brain's neural circuitry.
Love To love – and spiral up! EBT is a pathway to fulfilling our potential for the elevated emotions (love, compassion, gratitude, hope, forgiveness, awe, and joy), our Genetic Potential for Joy (GPJ).
Body Circuit An unconscious drive to stay big Most people equate losing weight with changing food, but it is by rewiring the Body Circuit and switching off the need to hold onto weight that releasing weight becomes effortless and natural.
Obesity EBT: A Natural Alternative to Weight Loss Drugs There is so much fervor about weight loss drugs that one would think obesity is a condition of GLP-1 deficiency. It is not. These drugs deliver an abnormal boost to GLP-1 receptors that
Joy Points The Solution: Count Joy Points Surges of joy switch off the stress response, so why not focus on one thing: create joy in your life. Then count how many Joy Points you really need!
Joy Points Happy Memories are Circuits! Our emotional brain is a storehouse of memories. Self-directed activation of them can launch a chemical cascade that brings joy – and enough dopamine to do things we otherwise can't force ourselves to do!
Trauma Turning Adversity into Joy The more extreme the hurt, the more spiraling up delivers a burst of joy, which is often unexpected, but always appreciated!
Neuroplasticity 3 Life-changing Ideas Three ideas based on neuroscience and weathering the inevitable ups and downs of life and be life-changing.
Relationship Wires Deepening Love with EBT Resolving conflicts is easier if we spiral up. After clearing the cortisol that makes us warlike and confused, we find that sweet spot of loving connection. We deepen the love.
Stress Eating Spiral Up before you eat! The root cause of overeating and weight gain is stress wires in the brain. Tired of feeling out of control with food and weight? Learn how to rewire circuit and create more freedom in your life.