Neuroplasticity Misery – It's GREAT for us! Walking through Sather Gate years back, I was miserable. Another student made fun of me. Little did he (nor I) know then that misery can lead to transformation. Now we do!
Emotional Brain Children: Wired for Joy With my new grandson in mind, I committed to using my brain's natural pathway from stress to joy even more often, so I could transmit it to him.
Brain states Switching Brain States: Magical! Brain states remain mysterious, as even after we know the science that explains them, switching brain states is absolutely magical.
Stress Eating Why We Overeat #1 - My Story The brain is very personal! It stores the circuits that tell the story of our lives, which are re-activated without our awareness or approval to cause repeats of past experiences, including stress eating.
BBH & the News Stress Nation – 3 Actions to Take As we process the El Paso and Dayton Massacres, let's address the root cause: stress overload. Three actions you can take to become part of the solution.
Allostatic wires The Psychological Is Biological! Every emotion you experience is not only the reflection of the biologic - a wire – but it activates chemicals that impact ever cell, organ and organ system in our your body. Psychology is biology.
BBH Science Joy as Natural Medicine That momentary experience of joy? That's just what the doctor ordered. Legions of chemicals comfort and heal us. EBT helps you create moments of joy (score "Joy Points" as a way to live your best life!
Heal Yourself The Virtue of Using the Brain Well There is a certain pride that comes from learning how to use our natural brain pathways from stress to joy, and reaping the many rewards.
Heal Yourself Sharing Brain Maps What if your physician or therapist said, "Let me show you a map of your brain"? Let's agree to speak about the causes of issues as wires and set points, something over which we have power.
BBH Science Brain Based Mental Health We need comprehensive help to overcome mental health problems, but the BBH system gives us more control over the quality of our lives. New complimentary coaching helps introduce new members to the tools.
Emotional Brain What's the Hidden Pathway? In 2007, UCSF researchers integrated neuroscience research to identify a technique to self-direct stress processing in the brain to expand our control of our momentary experience of life. They discovered the hidden brain pathway to get from stress to joy.
Stress Circuits What's Your Stress Style? Faulty circuits in the brain cause us to develop an ineffective stress style. With advances in neuroplasticity, we can rewire those faulty circuits and improve our health and well-being.
Allostatic wires Brain Based Pain Management Brain-based tools can create hope, connection and resilience, which are core to managing pain and living our best life.
BBH Science "Do you practice BBH?" Be part of the Brain Based Health Movement. If you are a health professional, learn about neuroscience based healthcare. All of us are patients. Nudge your health professional to update their practices by asking: "Do you practice brain based health?"
Emotional Brain What Toddlers Need Most As parents, we think about security for our children. What's the most powerful source of security? It's beautiful circuits that move them through stress to joy.